Monday, 5 March 2012

New look, but still very recognisable!
Yarrah is proud to present to you our new Yarrah-style: still as healthy and complete as ever, but with a new look; more modern and appealing.

Why now?
Due to changes in the European regulations regarding pet food declarations, all manufacturers of pet food have to change their declarations by the first of September 2011. We are using this opportunity to change our current look and –at the same time- introduce some new products. New packaging will be available in the course of the last quarter of this year.
Kibble size changed, not the recipe
Because we received a lot of complaints about the size of our dog and cat kibble, Yarrah decided to change the size of the kibble. We did not change the recipe, we just made the kibble smaller. As a result, the amount of complaints dropped.
Some animals may have to get used to the new size. This problem may be solved if you mix the kibble with a bit of Yarrah paté. Should you have any questions regarding the kibble, please contact us via

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